Sunday, January 14, 2007

Blue Tilt Bubble

Everyone knows the Tilt Bubble Hoodie. Well, it's getting a re release(something I have been waiting for for a long time). But wait...what are these?

TOO phat. And speaking of, I may be simply taking school off and going into the city to buy the Bubble hoodie. If anyone wants to join me, lemme know.


>Jer said...

What colors are the hoodies in?

minimill said...

it's the same thing as the ol' greenie, but instead of green it's blue.

Anonymous said...

wierd how this guy comes out and the blue/yellow is now gone. Liked that one very much. Blue is still nice. Blue/white fav colour combo.

Anonymous said...

I WAS gonna get this hoodie, but if chris is getting it now, maybe I'll just get one then re-sell it on eBay.

Anonymous said...

thats totally stupid Owen, theres no logic in that.

Anonymous said...

maybe so. you'd think you'd make more $$ of selling these hoodies, but no one buys them when they're over the retail price. oh well

Anonymous said...

...yes they do.

Anonymous said...

...yes they do.