Let me introduce you to a good friend of mine. Well, actually he's not really a friend, he's more of an acquaintance. Alright, he's not even that; I've never met the dude. But I've read a lot about him and seen a ton of pictures of him so I really feel as if we have a personal connection. His name is Clyde, and he is a shoe.
A little while ago, Clyde met up with a couple of guys who call themselves "Crooked", and they helped him pick out a few new threads to wear. They decided he was to be as money as possible, and stuck some green on him. But this wasn't enough; he also needed the phattest of laces, and by phattest I mean fattest. The result was an outfit that blew my mind. The fat laces, the color combination, the contrast
stitching, all of this came together to make an irresistible pair of sneakers.

Recently, Clyde had a reunion with Crooked and decided that this time, his attire would be a little less conspicuous, but just as phat. Crooked gave him the same laces as before, but decked him out in warmer colors. The result was much different from before, but just kickin'.

Unfortunately, Clyde got mixed up with a girl named Bonnie, and things didn't end well for them. They started robbing banks shooting up stores, and eventually were gunned down, bags of loot in each hand. The following shoes were made in memory of Clyde and his crazy ho, Bonnie.