Recently I've gotten into jeans. Before it was shirts, then shoes, now jeans. I figure I'll eventually find my way through all the different articles of clothing and be a pro at dressing myself. Until then I guess I'll just look good at some parts and shabby elsewhere. Whatever.
But anyway, back to jeans. Later, I plan on making a big post about a couple of brands I've been watching and hoping to get a pair from, but I'll just focus on one right now. The newest company I've discovered is Iron Army. They've got some pretty nice looking jeans, good cut, and a raw, unwashed look. The only downside is that they're 200 bucks.
My personal favorites are the Hiro Itos, but the Navio Fernandezs are pretty fantastic too. Actually, there's not much difference between the styles fit-wise, it's really just the color and the stitching(!). All the styles come in Raw and Rinse denim. I'm planning on getting a pair of raw denim jeans one day, but they're a big commitment (you can't wash em for six months).
And speaking of raw denim, Iron Army has set up a project of their own to track the development of seven guys wearing in a pair of Iron Army jeans. They chose seven guys with different types of jobs and got them to agree to wear a pair of Hiro Itos for seven months without washing (as raw denim is supposed to be worn) and to document the progress of the wear each month. After seven months, they'll all wash the jeans to see the outcome. It's pretty interesting to see how each person wears their jeans differently, and how each one distresses on their own.
I'm gonna be getting a pair of good jeans some time in the summer when I start working, so I'll be doing some research up until then. I'll let you know about the different stuff I find sometime soon.
Iron Army 777