Thursday, January 4, 2007

For the Fatties

Fat not Phat, but Phat nonetheless. There's a trend going on in restaurants around the world, and it just hit Beijing last month. Every good restaurant tries to set an atmosphere of some kind; some try for nice atmospheres, others have themes, but now there are restaurants trying to create an atmosphere of "no atmosphere". These so-called "Dark Restaurants" are completely black and unlit.

The customers enter the restaurant by passing through a room with blindingly bright lights and pass into the main room where they are guided to their seats by waiters decked out in night vision goggles.

The idea behind these restaurants is that by cutting off other senses (vision, if you haven't guessed yet), your sense of taste is heightened and your food tastes better. I have no clue if this is really real, but if Daredevil is any indicator, I wouldn't doubt it. I'll be dining in the dark tonight to see if this is really true. I'll let you all know how it goes.

1 comment:

Ben Kuyper said...

I've heard of this. I think it would make quite an interesting evening.

Let's just job no disgruntled employee's swap your filet mingon with TEH POOPZ.

I think that would be kind of gross.