Well, it's summer, and immediately Ibiza comes to mind. There will be loads and loads of new releases, label compilations, live shows, residencies and everything in the coming months, and so I'll start by reviewing some new releases that you'll be hearing all summer.
Loads to review, so I'll just start of with Mr. Dear (who is featured on, count em, four of the five releases reviewed here).

Fed on Youth
Minus 55
The first single from his upcoming album "2007" under his False moniker, Dear returns a week after the release of his monster "Asa Breed" to release a proper False release. Fed on Youth returns to sirens and wails, but this time they are more subdued and much more..foreboding. There's an anxiety to the track that just builds and builds and soon sirens are all around us. Listen to this at three in the morning; it's devestating. Face the Rain again builds loads of tension but is never quite resolved, something Dear loves doing. It's not as rough as Fed on Youth, but just as good. No idea which is the A-side, as both are killers, but considering Fed on Youth is included on the next release I'm reviewing, I'd say it's the A-side. It's good to see Dear return to False, as his releases as Audion over the past couple of years have been predominantly for the dance floor, where this release, while very dancefloor-compatible, is much more of a listen-at-home affair.

Richie Hawtin / Troy Pierce
Nothing Much / Something More
Minus 53
Here's something that I don't see too often: a retrospective best of label compilation. If you've never really heard Richie Hawtin's label, this is essentially the perfect gateway. "Nothing Much" (how humorous) is an unmixed 11 track best of over the past five or so years. It has classic after classic after classic: 'Baby Kate', 'Bay of Figs', 'Seeing Through Shadows'; these are some of the finest minimal techno tracks ever released. The new 'R U OK' by Ambivalent and new False track 'Fed on Youth' as well are destined to be classics, while Hawtin's 11-track mashup 'The Tunnel' on DE9:Transitions and Gaiser's "Egress" are well established top tunes. Label boss Hawtin handpicked these tracks and did a great job representing the label: minimal techno that is aimed directly at the dancefloor. Disc 2 sees Troy Pierce (personally my favorite producer on Minus) in the mix with a 24 track mix chronicling the label. It's a solid mix, and while maybe not as eclectic as a mix ought to be, it serves its purpose: to showcase Minus.

Cocoon Compilation G
Another summer, another cocoon compilation. Last year's "F" was really great, with killer tracks such as 'Sea of Sand' on there, but 'G' is, in my opinion, much better. We start with My My's 'Fast Freeze', which is a really great track from the boys that brought us the 'Songs for the Gentle' LP last year on Playhouse. Chaim is definately a name to watch, due to the fact that pretty much all of his productions have been stellar, and 'Genesis' is no exception. Stephan Bodzin and Tiefschwarz both give us great tracks, but soon we get to one of my favorites, 'Tämä Tuli Jarvestä' by Aki Latvamäki. His 'It Is Not Now Either' was a high point on Ellen Allien's fabric mix last month and is a staple in my sets as of late, and here he delivers another smasher. The rest of the tracks are great, by big names such as Audion and Jamie Jones, and there is really not a weak track here. The only problem here is that, like every other Cocoon Compilation, I really have no hope of getting it on vinyl (due to the fact that they limit it to 2000 copies). Oh well...
Black Strobe
I'm A Man
Playlouderrecordings 22T
Ricardo Villalobos

Primer Encuentro Latinoamericano de la Soledad
If this is ever released, it will be huge. Ricardo here takes the good parts of his experimentation as of late and leaves the not so great parts. This sounds like it should be Fizheuer length, but is only (haha) 20 minutes. It's rather simple, but somehow feels much less repetitive than Fizheuer. He uses a vocal sample (where the title comes from) and puts in crowd noises, really adding something special to this song. The rest is standard Villalobos fare, but this gets a massive tip as a possible tune of the summer. Really, you feel as if you're in the middle of DC10 with this one.
(Picture is of Ricardo at DC10, and you can see Richie Hawtin in the background)
I'll never get over how silly that haircut is.
(how humorous)
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