In about two months urrbody will be heading off to school, unless they are old and decrepit, and urrbody is gonna need some new supplies to take wonderful notes and make use of their education. So Nike has decided to help out a bit and put some school supplies you can snatch up to be prepared for a full year of learnin'!
First of all, you'll be needing a notebook to put your scribblings in. Nike has you covered!

But wait! You'll be needing something to write with too or that notebook is totally useless. Why not get some crayons?

And then you can get some elmer's glue I guess. You really don't need it but uh, yeah why not (PS I don't think much of these).

So yeah! Don't forget to pick these up when you're shopping for binders and bookbags and all.
I stole all these photos from uptowns
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