Nike keeps 'em coming. If you don't know this already, Air Force Ones happen to be one of my favorite shoes. I don't really know why. Maybe it's the simple design, or the big, bold panels or just the fact that you feel like a king while wearing them, but they're fantastic. They've also got tons of designers coming up with new shit to slap on them. The newest design is the Polka Dot by Hiroshi Fujiwara. It's a AF1 Premium '07, and it's a chunky one.

See those edges? See how they're rolled back under? That's fucking
updated laces ring.

Company logo in place of the normal Nike Air tounge tag.

See how smooth that is? See that all-over mesh lining?. Your shoes don't have that. My shoes don't have that. You know what that is? That shit is
Certificate of Authenticity that comes with the new Air Force Ones. Don't be sold a fake! (You might want to click to see a larger version of this)

The wrapping paper has stars embossed on it. Well, the premium shoes have that. Apparently different level shoes have different paper.

The shoe also comes with a pendant with Bruce Kilgore's (the designer of the original Air Force One) signature.

Oh, and it also comes in white.
Want a pair?
3 bills.
Jer's lucky he can't find a pair in 13 or he'd be broke. However, I'm still planning on picking up a pair of premiums somewhere along the road.
Edit: looks like the picture won't work
I'll fix that tomorrow
If you're extra nice to harry, he could roll down to footpatrol (where they just dropped) and get you some for 180...
Only if your extra nice!
yeah har i remember seeing those at footpatrol.
extra phat
the pics not working, however, is not very fat.
By 180 do you mean poundage or dollars?
also, even if it is just dollars, the shipping alone would probably bring it up to close to 300
Har means dollarage, and I doubt shipping would be 120, thatd be redonkulous
Yea jer, I dunno where you would need to live for shipping to be 100+.
Listen buddy, I don't even know what the hell is going on with your freedom-hating countries America is Beautiful and shipping is expensive
God bless it and Georgey
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