Monday, February 4, 2008
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
If you got the booty
buy this up

Look familiar?
The pattern's on a bunch of stuff over at Oki-Ni as well
Turns out it's a dude's (Insa) graffiti tag
He's got a KR Dunny and a new hoodie with it too
It never really tickled my fancy before, and it still doesn't much, but those swimsuits are faaaantastic
Spread the word.
(plus his blog has some other cool stuff too)
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Monday, August 20, 2007
New Pumas
I'm feeling this is getting a bit bare, so here's an update many have seen, but if you haven't, it's mindfreak time.
Alife Puma First Rounds. Unless you aren't aware of the debacle Har and I went through to ultimately not get these, it was totally shitty. Kickin' sneaks though. I've honestly never seen this model before, and from what Alife did here, looks like we may be seeing a bit more of it.

Here, though, are the Sneakers n Stuff clydes, straight out of Sweden. Hot, hot, hot. Clearly nordic inspired, they're really refreshing and just a really interesting shoe.

Now that we're all in different cities, I think the pheed will probably become a lot more active.
Alife Puma First Rounds. Unless you aren't aware of the debacle Har and I went through to ultimately not get these, it was totally shitty. Kickin' sneaks though. I've honestly never seen this model before, and from what Alife did here, looks like we may be seeing a bit more of it.

Here, though, are the Sneakers n Stuff clydes, straight out of Sweden. Hot, hot, hot. Clearly nordic inspired, they're really refreshing and just a really interesting shoe.

Now that we're all in different cities, I think the pheed will probably become a lot more active.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
found out how to do a post, thank christ. Anyway in a small follow up to Mills post (which was solid) Ill briefly go ove rthe store Ive seen so far in Tok, Ill go into further detail upon my return to Merica.
First, and most importantly, Tokyo is the shit, it is way too hip, way too stylin, way too fuckin awesome. EVERYTHING lights up and vending machines are every ten feet. I have seen the following vending machines or 販売機 so far: drinks (most obvious), rice, eggs, vegetables, booze, ramen, hot food(fries, hotdogs), juice boxes, ice cream and snacks. Its fuckin crazy. Anyway, Im out here in Konosu, which is about an hour outside of Tok by train (similar relationship as Wepo-NYC). Unfortunatly, Japan has decided upon adopting THE single most confusing address system the world has ever seen, i.e. 2-3-17 Jingumae, Shibuya. Now, Jingumae isnt a street, its quite a large series of blocks, so the numbers dont help in anyway, the only people here who have maps showing these mysterious numbers are the police. you basically find shit by looking around for it in a general area (altho, as Log and I later found out, once youve been thru it once, its pretty easy to retrace your steps. So, here goes:
XLarge: The very first store Log and I found (ran into is more like it tho) was XLarge. XLarge is a pretty lame brand in the states, but here in 日本 its pretty fuckin awesome. So, the store has two levels, the ground floor has a bunch of new shit on display, the basement older shit. They had alot of sick collabs, one with Sprite, one with David Flores, one with A Tribe Called Quest, etc. The collabs are sweet, and I was tempted to get a David Flores tee or bearbrick, but resisted. The music in XLarge is solid, seeing as C.R.E.A.M was the first track I heard upon entering...
Supreme: The next store we ran into was Supreme, which helped us out with a large banner. Supreme holds the 2F of a building they share with Neighborhood, if you ask me, thats a pretty fuckin legendary building. The Supreme space is a really cool area that seems open with a big window overlooking the street below. As usual, great shit, and they had a rack of shit by companys like aNYthing, which suprised me.
Neighborhood: You all know how pretencious NGHBD is, yea, well just imagine that in a space. All the windows are blacked out, and theres hardly enough lighting to make out the overpriced products. They play Johnny Cash and the likes inside. Overall, I was dissapointed with it, at least it was cheaper than it is in the States, and (lord knows) the UK. The weirdest thing we saw in there was a china teapot in the form of Hitlers head, but what can you expect from them...
atmos: Next was the Tokyo original atmos, they had a really cool space, all the shoes are in concrete cubes. Its a pretty minimal space, but altho famous for the shoes, its the tees and accessories that will keep you interested. With great collabs with Levis, Hello Kitty, and most recently, Bandai, you cant go in without pickin somethin up.
Recon: Recon was next, but it was the same as it is in NY, in my opinion, nothin special.....
UNDFTD/Stussy: These two heavyweights also share a building, the Stussy store didnt do too much for me, nice space tho, two floors. UNDFTDs space was definatly the highlight of the building, altho small, it displayed the most limited kicks, and their sick clothing line, great atmosphere there, and very friendly staff.
Heatwave: The Buy-Sell stores in Tok are DEF a must hit, have so much old gear for sick prices. Heatwave is on the 2nd floor of a building, across from XLarge, its the most famous of all the buy-sell streetwear stores, altho it smells funny, its a must hit.
UT: Dont get me wrong, I loved the UT store, but after having had to go 3 times, I got a little sick of it. The space is fantastic tho, def the easiest to find of all of them, its right on Meiji Dori, which is the main street in Harajuku. You all prolly know how theyve set it up, tees everywhere, great designs, the main treat is the price tho.
Bape/BBC/Ice Cream: What would you expect from these brands? Shitty products for mucho dinero. BBC and Ice Cream occupied the main floor while Bape took the basement. I gotta say, the BBC space was really awesomly designed, to enter you go thru this neon tunnel that has their BS motto in the wall, it looks like a spaceship tho, very cool, shame its such shitty gear...
F.I.L.: stands for free international labrotories, Visvims space, slightly out of the way, its in the basement of its building. SO MINIMAL, almost couldnt stand it, all sleek white lines, with prices even higher than Neighborhoods, which suprised me. The shoes they have are cool, but 250 bucks for KAWS slip Incredibly pretencious, if you ask me, not worth going, at the end of the day, its just a fucking stripey shirt you could get at Wal Mart for 250 bucks.
RealMadHectic: Gotta say, expected more of this place. Tokyo exclusive, and all that. Really wasnt too great of a store, cool design, its below the Carhartt store, but the stock just doesnt blow you away, had a decent selection of shoes, overall tho, wasnt as good as I hoped itd be.
KIKS TYO: In Shibuya, specifically on Cat Street, a name that boggled my host mom for hours, lies KIKS TYO. I was expecting SO MUCH of this place and wanted to get these hot new Balance I thought had just dropped. Turns out theyre not out till November, and the that took about 20 minutes to find out because NO ONE there speaks a word of English. It was a pretty small space, real small compared to all the others. Didnt have anything that really blew me away, shame.
If you head down Omotosando, a main road in Harajuku, you arrive in Aoyama. Aoyama is much lower key than Harajuku, which is kinda odd considering it has all the main designer stores. Doesnt have much streetwear except two KEY players.
Tab Device: Can you say coolest designed store ever? Made to look like an apartment, Tab Device blows you away on impact, every room displays something new, the bathroom upstairs is a changing room, and laid out on the bed are tee shirts. its super UG. even better, theres an entire room walled with mirrors and carpeted in red fabric with a giant gold horse in it, that room, is the Fragment Denim room. Its amazing. Altho they cant really speak English, the staff are super nice, there was one guy with a green trucker hat who totally rocked out. Anyway, great space, great stock, and everything they release will sell out in days, so get it while its hot.
Original Fake: Probably the hardest to find of all the stores, in the basement of a random building. SO AWESOME. I love KAWS, everyone should. The design was AWESOME, one side is grey with metal floors dedicated to the clothing line, and the other black dedicated to toys and other shit. There are registers on both side, the sides are seperated by a GIANT KAWS companion. So all the shit is awesome, and reasonably priced compared to the US and UK prices (85 dollars in Union vs. 50 in OF fora shirt? Yes please) And with a 40% off sale on practically everything, the store went to the top of my list.
So thats pretty much it, some homeruns, some swings and misses, but overall, Tokyo is certainly up with NY, I could easily say well ahead of, but I love Alife too much to say so... DEF a hit up spot (somewhat obviously) Tok is like the basecamp, where every brand sets up their own space, so if you know what you want and what brands you dig, its untouchable, se easy to blow money here... and its not just Tok, this whole fuckin country rocks out, its up there with Germany as one of my all time faves. TOKYO IS FUCKING MASSIVE
found out how to do a post, thank christ. Anyway in a small follow up to Mills post (which was solid) Ill briefly go ove rthe store Ive seen so far in Tok, Ill go into further detail upon my return to Merica.
First, and most importantly, Tokyo is the shit, it is way too hip, way too stylin, way too fuckin awesome. EVERYTHING lights up and vending machines are every ten feet. I have seen the following vending machines or 販売機 so far: drinks (most obvious), rice, eggs, vegetables, booze, ramen, hot food(fries, hotdogs), juice boxes, ice cream and snacks. Its fuckin crazy. Anyway, Im out here in Konosu, which is about an hour outside of Tok by train (similar relationship as Wepo-NYC). Unfortunatly, Japan has decided upon adopting THE single most confusing address system the world has ever seen, i.e. 2-3-17 Jingumae, Shibuya. Now, Jingumae isnt a street, its quite a large series of blocks, so the numbers dont help in anyway, the only people here who have maps showing these mysterious numbers are the police. you basically find shit by looking around for it in a general area (altho, as Log and I later found out, once youve been thru it once, its pretty easy to retrace your steps. So, here goes:
XLarge: The very first store Log and I found (ran into is more like it tho) was XLarge. XLarge is a pretty lame brand in the states, but here in 日本 its pretty fuckin awesome. So, the store has two levels, the ground floor has a bunch of new shit on display, the basement older shit. They had alot of sick collabs, one with Sprite, one with David Flores, one with A Tribe Called Quest, etc. The collabs are sweet, and I was tempted to get a David Flores tee or bearbrick, but resisted. The music in XLarge is solid, seeing as C.R.E.A.M was the first track I heard upon entering...
Supreme: The next store we ran into was Supreme, which helped us out with a large banner. Supreme holds the 2F of a building they share with Neighborhood, if you ask me, thats a pretty fuckin legendary building. The Supreme space is a really cool area that seems open with a big window overlooking the street below. As usual, great shit, and they had a rack of shit by companys like aNYthing, which suprised me.
Neighborhood: You all know how pretencious NGHBD is, yea, well just imagine that in a space. All the windows are blacked out, and theres hardly enough lighting to make out the overpriced products. They play Johnny Cash and the likes inside. Overall, I was dissapointed with it, at least it was cheaper than it is in the States, and (lord knows) the UK. The weirdest thing we saw in there was a china teapot in the form of Hitlers head, but what can you expect from them...
atmos: Next was the Tokyo original atmos, they had a really cool space, all the shoes are in concrete cubes. Its a pretty minimal space, but altho famous for the shoes, its the tees and accessories that will keep you interested. With great collabs with Levis, Hello Kitty, and most recently, Bandai, you cant go in without pickin somethin up.
Recon: Recon was next, but it was the same as it is in NY, in my opinion, nothin special.....
UNDFTD/Stussy: These two heavyweights also share a building, the Stussy store didnt do too much for me, nice space tho, two floors. UNDFTDs space was definatly the highlight of the building, altho small, it displayed the most limited kicks, and their sick clothing line, great atmosphere there, and very friendly staff.
Heatwave: The Buy-Sell stores in Tok are DEF a must hit, have so much old gear for sick prices. Heatwave is on the 2nd floor of a building, across from XLarge, its the most famous of all the buy-sell streetwear stores, altho it smells funny, its a must hit.
UT: Dont get me wrong, I loved the UT store, but after having had to go 3 times, I got a little sick of it. The space is fantastic tho, def the easiest to find of all of them, its right on Meiji Dori, which is the main street in Harajuku. You all prolly know how theyve set it up, tees everywhere, great designs, the main treat is the price tho.
Bape/BBC/Ice Cream: What would you expect from these brands? Shitty products for mucho dinero. BBC and Ice Cream occupied the main floor while Bape took the basement. I gotta say, the BBC space was really awesomly designed, to enter you go thru this neon tunnel that has their BS motto in the wall, it looks like a spaceship tho, very cool, shame its such shitty gear...
F.I.L.: stands for free international labrotories, Visvims space, slightly out of the way, its in the basement of its building. SO MINIMAL, almost couldnt stand it, all sleek white lines, with prices even higher than Neighborhoods, which suprised me. The shoes they have are cool, but 250 bucks for KAWS slip Incredibly pretencious, if you ask me, not worth going, at the end of the day, its just a fucking stripey shirt you could get at Wal Mart for 250 bucks.
RealMadHectic: Gotta say, expected more of this place. Tokyo exclusive, and all that. Really wasnt too great of a store, cool design, its below the Carhartt store, but the stock just doesnt blow you away, had a decent selection of shoes, overall tho, wasnt as good as I hoped itd be.
KIKS TYO: In Shibuya, specifically on Cat Street, a name that boggled my host mom for hours, lies KIKS TYO. I was expecting SO MUCH of this place and wanted to get these hot new Balance I thought had just dropped. Turns out theyre not out till November, and the that took about 20 minutes to find out because NO ONE there speaks a word of English. It was a pretty small space, real small compared to all the others. Didnt have anything that really blew me away, shame.
If you head down Omotosando, a main road in Harajuku, you arrive in Aoyama. Aoyama is much lower key than Harajuku, which is kinda odd considering it has all the main designer stores. Doesnt have much streetwear except two KEY players.
Tab Device: Can you say coolest designed store ever? Made to look like an apartment, Tab Device blows you away on impact, every room displays something new, the bathroom upstairs is a changing room, and laid out on the bed are tee shirts. its super UG. even better, theres an entire room walled with mirrors and carpeted in red fabric with a giant gold horse in it, that room, is the Fragment Denim room. Its amazing. Altho they cant really speak English, the staff are super nice, there was one guy with a green trucker hat who totally rocked out. Anyway, great space, great stock, and everything they release will sell out in days, so get it while its hot.
Original Fake: Probably the hardest to find of all the stores, in the basement of a random building. SO AWESOME. I love KAWS, everyone should. The design was AWESOME, one side is grey with metal floors dedicated to the clothing line, and the other black dedicated to toys and other shit. There are registers on both side, the sides are seperated by a GIANT KAWS companion. So all the shit is awesome, and reasonably priced compared to the US and UK prices (85 dollars in Union vs. 50 in OF fora shirt? Yes please) And with a 40% off sale on practically everything, the store went to the top of my list.
So thats pretty much it, some homeruns, some swings and misses, but overall, Tokyo is certainly up with NY, I could easily say well ahead of, but I love Alife too much to say so... DEF a hit up spot (somewhat obviously) Tok is like the basecamp, where every brand sets up their own space, so if you know what you want and what brands you dig, its untouchable, se easy to blow money here... and its not just Tok, this whole fuckin country rocks out, its up there with Germany as one of my all time faves. TOKYO IS FUCKING MASSIVE
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
City Guide
So, having just come back from a trip to a handful of great cities, I figured it would be cool to type up a little guide to some of the bigger cities and what you can find there in terms of fashion and music. I'm also still on Berlin time, and so woke up at about 3:30 in the morning, so I have nothing else to do. So here goes...
I won't talk about London much because most of us know what's what in the LDN. I think we all know the important places to hit up, so I wont really mention them. The only new place I went to was the New Era store, which is really awesome. I can't wear hats and look really dumb in them, but this is the kind of store that makes people like me angry. A bunch of awesome London-specific hats as well as some kickass superhero hats. They had Superman hats which were kind of lame, Batman hats which I think most of us have seen and are awesome, and my favs were the Spider Man hats. Other than that, though, it was all the usuals, seeing as I had little time, but all had some great new (to me) stuff in.
Paris is interesting because they don't have much of a scene when it comes to our stuff. There are three names that come to mind when one mentions Paris, and those are Colette, La MJC and Sold Out!, only one of those being a physical store. However, Colette happens to be one of the coolest stores I've ever been to. The first floor has loads of tables with huge books on graffiti, toys, you name it. It also has a rather large music section, playing almost exclusively good dance music. Har may be happy to know that Ed Banger, Kitsune and co. are all well represented here, but even more so is the minimal scene. There is a wall of CDs from the likes of M_nus, Kompakt, and all the others. On the back wall there are six or so iPods with all of the CDs loaded on so you can listen to the CDs. They also have a little batch of records, and, while I saw a couple of goodies, they were pricy.
Which brings be to the problem with Colette: pretty much everything is overpriced there. Upstairs is where the fashion is, and you see many of the latest fashion for ladies which is awesome, and then you get to the streetwear corner (probably the most crowded area of the store). Here, the couple of Air Force 1s are rather lame but cost a lot. Same with the tees and jackets: maybe a couple things from good companies, but mostly dominated by BBC and stuff like it, which I happen to hate and I think most will agree with me on. However, Colette is most certainly awesome, and a good place as more of a museum than a store. Other than that, Paris, while a great city, is not so big on really good record stores or clothing stores.
In terms of streetwear, nada. It's not a terribly big city and not one in which I would expect to find much streetwear, and, popping my head into a couple of stores that showed semi-cool shoes in the window, I found no stores with anything very special. However, that is not the reason I'm talking about it: Koeln is all about Kompakt. Kompakt has defined Koeln musically, and you can walk around hearing the sounds of various Kompakt records in your head.
My trip to Kompakt was a very big highlight. It's a massive store, which records from every label I've ever cared to look at spanning back years. They also, of course, have the freshest releases on display, and it's easy to spend half a day there just listening to new records on the turntables.
Berlin, being such a huge city, I will split into two: Former East and Former West Berlin.
West Berlin contains one of the best stores in Berlin period: Solebox. Solebox is in Charlottenberg and very far from where all of the other stuff is, so it would not be in a typical 'SoHo' run, but is worth it (we were staying in Charlottenberg, so it wasn't out of the way for us). They have a deal with Nike SB and, because of this, have the biggest collection of the best dunks I've ever seen. They also have the best Adidas I have seen anywhere (including Adidas stores in both New York and Berlin!). It's hard to leave Solebox with only a couple of items, then, but somehow I managed. Aside from one of the best selections of shoes you may ever see, they have plenty of awesome clothes. Unfortunately, again, BBC and Ice Cream are prevalent here, but they also carry MHI stuff as well as other good brands. Hikmet, who owns the place, is really nice and will help you with anything.
Other than that, not much in terms of fashion in West Berlin. Kreuzberg has the Overkill Shop, which is not bad, but Kreuzberg is much better for records. The famous Hardwax is there, as are plenty of other record stores.
EAST BERLIN where it's at. There's SoHo in New York and London, and then there is the area northwest of Alexanderplatz in Berlin. The highlight is certainly Wood Wood, which, along with Wood Wood stuff, carries the freshest in men's and women's fashion, including MHI's more expensive brother Maharishi. I'm sort of convinced I saw Richie Hawtin there, but I wasn't sure enough to ask. Anyway, aside from Wood Wood there is Trainer, which is Solebox's sister store, as well as Apartment, which sells tons of good stuff from Supreme and the like. Scattered throughout are stores which looked really cool, but I didn't have time to go to, as well as the 3rd Adidas store I saw in Berlin and a Comme des Garcons a little north of the area. (All in Mitte, sort of boardering Prenzlauer Berg). Mitte also has plenty of great record stores, but again, I was so crunched for time that I couldn't possibly have visited many of them.
Obviously there is a lot more than that, and most reading this I will see in person and talk to about all these places, but I didn't want this to be too long, so it's very kurz. It's now very obvious to me that, in terms of clothing, there are four places you want to be: New York, London, Berlin and Tokyo. Speaking of, hopefully James can update us on Tokyo when he gets back.
I won't talk about London much because most of us know what's what in the LDN. I think we all know the important places to hit up, so I wont really mention them. The only new place I went to was the New Era store, which is really awesome. I can't wear hats and look really dumb in them, but this is the kind of store that makes people like me angry. A bunch of awesome London-specific hats as well as some kickass superhero hats. They had Superman hats which were kind of lame, Batman hats which I think most of us have seen and are awesome, and my favs were the Spider Man hats. Other than that, though, it was all the usuals, seeing as I had little time, but all had some great new (to me) stuff in.
Paris is interesting because they don't have much of a scene when it comes to our stuff. There are three names that come to mind when one mentions Paris, and those are Colette, La MJC and Sold Out!, only one of those being a physical store. However, Colette happens to be one of the coolest stores I've ever been to. The first floor has loads of tables with huge books on graffiti, toys, you name it. It also has a rather large music section, playing almost exclusively good dance music. Har may be happy to know that Ed Banger, Kitsune and co. are all well represented here, but even more so is the minimal scene. There is a wall of CDs from the likes of M_nus, Kompakt, and all the others. On the back wall there are six or so iPods with all of the CDs loaded on so you can listen to the CDs. They also have a little batch of records, and, while I saw a couple of goodies, they were pricy.
Which brings be to the problem with Colette: pretty much everything is overpriced there. Upstairs is where the fashion is, and you see many of the latest fashion for ladies which is awesome, and then you get to the streetwear corner (probably the most crowded area of the store). Here, the couple of Air Force 1s are rather lame but cost a lot. Same with the tees and jackets: maybe a couple things from good companies, but mostly dominated by BBC and stuff like it, which I happen to hate and I think most will agree with me on. However, Colette is most certainly awesome, and a good place as more of a museum than a store. Other than that, Paris, while a great city, is not so big on really good record stores or clothing stores.
In terms of streetwear, nada. It's not a terribly big city and not one in which I would expect to find much streetwear, and, popping my head into a couple of stores that showed semi-cool shoes in the window, I found no stores with anything very special. However, that is not the reason I'm talking about it: Koeln is all about Kompakt. Kompakt has defined Koeln musically, and you can walk around hearing the sounds of various Kompakt records in your head.
My trip to Kompakt was a very big highlight. It's a massive store, which records from every label I've ever cared to look at spanning back years. They also, of course, have the freshest releases on display, and it's easy to spend half a day there just listening to new records on the turntables.
Berlin, being such a huge city, I will split into two: Former East and Former West Berlin.
West Berlin contains one of the best stores in Berlin period: Solebox. Solebox is in Charlottenberg and very far from where all of the other stuff is, so it would not be in a typical 'SoHo' run, but is worth it (we were staying in Charlottenberg, so it wasn't out of the way for us). They have a deal with Nike SB and, because of this, have the biggest collection of the best dunks I've ever seen. They also have the best Adidas I have seen anywhere (including Adidas stores in both New York and Berlin!). It's hard to leave Solebox with only a couple of items, then, but somehow I managed. Aside from one of the best selections of shoes you may ever see, they have plenty of awesome clothes. Unfortunately, again, BBC and Ice Cream are prevalent here, but they also carry MHI stuff as well as other good brands. Hikmet, who owns the place, is really nice and will help you with anything.
Other than that, not much in terms of fashion in West Berlin. Kreuzberg has the Overkill Shop, which is not bad, but Kreuzberg is much better for records. The famous Hardwax is there, as are plenty of other record stores.
EAST BERLIN where it's at. There's SoHo in New York and London, and then there is the area northwest of Alexanderplatz in Berlin. The highlight is certainly Wood Wood, which, along with Wood Wood stuff, carries the freshest in men's and women's fashion, including MHI's more expensive brother Maharishi. I'm sort of convinced I saw Richie Hawtin there, but I wasn't sure enough to ask. Anyway, aside from Wood Wood there is Trainer, which is Solebox's sister store, as well as Apartment, which sells tons of good stuff from Supreme and the like. Scattered throughout are stores which looked really cool, but I didn't have time to go to, as well as the 3rd Adidas store I saw in Berlin and a Comme des Garcons a little north of the area. (All in Mitte, sort of boardering Prenzlauer Berg). Mitte also has plenty of great record stores, but again, I was so crunched for time that I couldn't possibly have visited many of them.
Obviously there is a lot more than that, and most reading this I will see in person and talk to about all these places, but I didn't want this to be too long, so it's very kurz. It's now very obvious to me that, in terms of clothing, there are four places you want to be: New York, London, Berlin and Tokyo. Speaking of, hopefully James can update us on Tokyo when he gets back.
Friday, June 29, 2007
HAFJSHJASHDJAHSD Nike is bossy and in charge, that is all that matters.
In about two months urrbody will be heading off to school, unless they are old and decrepit, and urrbody is gonna need some new supplies to take wonderful notes and make use of their education. So Nike has decided to help out a bit and put some school supplies you can snatch up to be prepared for a full year of learnin'!
First of all, you'll be needing a notebook to put your scribblings in. Nike has you covered!
But wait! You'll be needing something to write with too or that notebook is totally useless. Why not get some crayons?

And then you can get some elmer's glue I guess. You really don't need it but uh, yeah why not (PS I don't think much of these).

So yeah! Don't forget to pick these up when you're shopping for binders and bookbags and all.
I stole all these photos from uptowns
In about two months urrbody will be heading off to school, unless they are old and decrepit, and urrbody is gonna need some new supplies to take wonderful notes and make use of their education. So Nike has decided to help out a bit and put some school supplies you can snatch up to be prepared for a full year of learnin'!
First of all, you'll be needing a notebook to put your scribblings in. Nike has you covered!

But wait! You'll be needing something to write with too or that notebook is totally useless. Why not get some crayons?

And then you can get some elmer's glue I guess. You really don't need it but uh, yeah why not (PS I don't think much of these).

So yeah! Don't forget to pick these up when you're shopping for binders and bookbags and all.
I stole all these photos from uptowns
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